Information for Health Professionals

We will be adding to this information frequently, and ask that you check back weekly.

Our first devices, produced through support from donors, will be utilized in clinical trials at two major U.S. healthcare institutions. We will then scale to regions most in need.

How It Works

The AeroBreath™ ventilators use reciprocation of a bellows to deliver a preselected volume of air for each inspiration. Volume selection is made by placing a pin in the appropriate location before ventilation begins. Ventilation rate and inspiration/expiration rate are controlled by the patient or caregiver for the S Lane machines or by motor and simple electronic controls for the E Lane machines. More technical details are available in a letter from the Chairman of The AeroBreath™ Project.

We have sought the advice of experts from the very beginning of this project, and are close to beginning clinical trials due to their invaluable advice, suggestions and time.

Where It Works

The SIMPLE AeroBreath™ ventilators can make an immediate impact in areas of the world with few resources and little to no access to negative pressure ICUs. In a country sharing very few ventilators among the many ill, we will work to deploy as many AeroBreath™ ventilators as possible to give a fighting chance to as many people as possible.

In the U.S. and other hospitals equipped with negative pressure ICUs, our ventilators may make the most impact in the recovery phase, allowing the ICU ventilators to remain in the ICU for still-critical patients, and transferring those in recovery to the AeroBreath™ units for weaning the patients off ventilation.

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AeroBreath™ in Action

AeroBreath E Lane with Circuit - Full Crash.jpg

Please excuse the basic nature of our launch website. Our top priority to date has been ensuring these life-saving devices are well-designed, safe, effective, low-cost and highly deployable. All the bases are being covered despite the unusual challenges presented during COVID-19 - Round 1 . Our videos, medical professional and other content will be frequently updated and expanded. Please check back weekly for updates. Our sincerest appreciation for your generosity and help.

Contact The AeroBreath™ Project Team

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